as well as Natasha Kassle and Sydney Savage.
...and the fantastic henchman, Major Maxim.
Based on the gorgeous artwork of J. Scott Cambell, these figures were a must-have for me after reading the comic series of Danger Girl. A globe trotting action adventure packed full of homages to 007 and Indiana Jones, this series is brilliant. The only disappointing part of it all is that any follow-ups by other combinations of artists and writers has fallen terribly short of the brilliance in the original run of comics.
These figures were done by McFarlane toys, and are pretty great representations of the characters. They came with mini sets that echoed the personalities of the characters:
There was talk of a movie, a tv series, a cartoon, but none of them ever materialized. There was a PlayStation game though, but it looks pretty pisspoor. Have a peruse over the a section of the storyboard for the opening cinematic below:
...and then have a look at how it was butchered in every way possible in production. The timing, the camera moves, the character models, the animation, the weak poses... awful.