Astro Boy


 I loved just about every animated kids show that was put in front of me in childhood, but only one defined what the rest of my career would be.

AstroBoy's melodrama set it apart from the pack, and I still am of the opinion that the 1980's incarnation is the best screen version of the character. But strangely enough, it was the end credits that captured my imagination the most. After every episode, I'd watch the credit sequence step through a three-quarter run cycle frame by frame, explaining so beautifully and so simply how animation is made. It was the spark that led me to pursue animation as a career:

This figure was just a cheapy from one of those Asian knickknack stores in Sydney's Chinatown, but I couldn't go past it! I'll upgrade one day, the figures made for the 2003 show weren't too bad, I might track one down one day...